On bus, back from DORCHESTER, home to WEYMOUTH, i took it upon (my)self to eat my punnet of BLUEBERRIES, mindfully. Decided to eat them one-at-a-time and count them as i did so.
Just as in counting breaths in zazen practice, it was so easy to lose count. Except, that instead of just counting from 1 to 10, i counted on and on. i wanted to know how many blueberries were in a punnet weighing 150gms! Hmmm, not really in the spirit of Zen - there should be no goal...no accomplishment...just sit...just breathe...this present moment, this wonderful moment....
i think i lost the count 3 times. And because i did have a goal in mind, i kept going at what i thought was the correct place. On reflection, it would have been better to have just started at "1" again...
The final tally, however inaccurate, was 127. i only ate 126! i dropped the last blueberry...was obviously NOT being mindfull!
Ah well, i will continue with this new practice of BLUEBERRY MEDITATION on my peregrinations around Dorset. But maybe sometimes, it will be RASPBERRIES !!...Not STRAWBERRIES...Too large! Only 15 or 20 to a punnet? But maybe exquisitely sweet enough, to compensate...or CONTEMPLATE, that when needing 2 hands to hang-on to a branch on a cliff-face, and there is a strawberry within reach, but a tiger down below...what should one do?
NOW LET US TRULY PRACTICE, HERE, ON THE OTHER PUNNET OF BLUEBERRIES.....one...two....three....fo....? where were we now?.....ONE...TW....