to andiamo
signing-off his letters
so often in that way
giving me that italian tongue...
that beautiful sound...
andiamo, andiamo...
let's be going, let's be going.
on Bridport bus today
i "find" a beautiful, italian word, once again...
a n g i o r n a t a...
all in a day's work...
i attend to such things
moreso these days
and to my breath...
words and breathings
united in the day's work.
So, andiamo, andiamo...
let's be going/getting-on with it
see ya later, franco,
at the end of all this work
of breath and words
that grapple with the great matter...
A N G I O R N A T A...
A N D I A M O.........a n d i a m o.
7/8 april / 2012
bernard hemensley
bernard hemensley
I once took Italian language lessons simply because it is such a beautiful language. I love Angionata, Andiamo. They roll of the tongue with such delicious grace and elegance. Nice!