Sunday, 12 August 2012

ABBOTSBURY AMBLE - sunday 12 august 2012

Chesil Beach another day! Ended Abbotsbury amble abruptly when, finding myself at Ilchester Arms bus stop, in time for the hourly bus service - X53, decided to return to Weymouth on impulse,Glastonbury bottled water undrunk. Glastonbuury Tor and St. Catherine's connection appealed to me. And so did some very pink,cloudy cyder in the Village Store. NEXT TIME !!!

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  1. Yes Bern, G/bury Tor & St Catherine's appeals to us too... The 'Private' sign recalls to me Richard Tipping's amusing sign 'Private Poetry / Trespassers Welcome' wch continues to amuse visitors when they see it at the Shop... Little carcass in 1st pic?

    1. Do not think it is a rat. Too big for a mole? Well, there it was at beginning of "amble" -- and i really did "amble"...would've liked to "ramble" more adventurous...dowm to Chesil etc...but was purposely walking, oh so slowly, in awareness of all that was around, and thought of James Koller's title..."OH, DIDN'T HE RAMBLE"...for another time/blog post. By the way, hope to unify other 5 blogs with this new one. Should intermingle in chronological's becoming unweildy. So - one life = one blog....until i get another idea !!! And, YES, that RICHARD TIPPING sign must amuse. Wish i had remembered to catch TONY LOPEZ on July 31st, here vin Weymouth, as part of the "B-Side Multimedia Arts Festival = "sampling" found text/poems...But now i AM rambling and it's 2 in the morning...still some serious sleeping to get through....



bernard hemensley GOLDY HERMITAGE WEYMOUTH ======================