Walking to the bus-stop in Abbotsbury, these golden road-markings really caught my attention. Hovering on the kerb, i kept out of the way of traffic on the narrow street. i had to hurry, or miss the 3.45pm X53 bus back to Weymouth. i needn't have worried - it never came. Instead i spent 2 hours, waiting for the next bus, talking to Terry and Joe from Arkansas, in the light rainfall. The 3 of us were baby-boomers, and i guess about the same age give-or-take a couple of years. It turned into a conversation of synchronicities.Eg...i mentioned my younger brother Robin, lives in Braintree, and Joe said he lived there when he was 8 years old. He also lived in Madison, Wisconsin, and i had connection with old amigo Michael Tarachow of Pentagram Press from there. Terry told me she was exhibiting photographer - her speciality being "on the road" photos, like mine...she loved those i'd just taken, above. And there was the yoga, the poetry etc., etc.,...We talked away the 2 hours until the next bus arrived, spot on time. Counting down the last minutes before 5.46pm, we recalled the old hitch-hikers mantra..."Faith in the Road." i even tried the Woodstock chant on this cold afternoon..."NO RAIN, NO RAIN, NO RAIN...."